Why Should We Vaccinate? Prevention of Canine Diseases

1991 St. John Ave.  Dyersburg, TN 38024





 Parvo, Distemper, Corona, Lyme, Leptospirosis, and Kennel Cough are some of the diseases that affect our canine friends. 

Parvo is a highly contagious disease that can cause severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea, and can lead to dehydration, shock and death.  We see this mainly in younger puppies but it can affect any unvaccinated dog.  It is transmitted through an infected dog's feces, but it can be rapidly transported on dogs' hair and feet, people's clothing and shoes, as well as water bowls and other objects. 

 Distemper is also seen mainly in puppies but can affect unvaccinated older dogs.  It can cause diarrhea, pneumonia, seizures,  fever, muscular twitches, watery discharge from the eyes and nose, paralysis, and death.


Coronavirus is another highly contagious disease which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.  It can also cause excessive thirst, weight loss, listlessness and loss of appetite.  Corona can affect dogs of all ages, but puppies most severely.

Lyme is a tick-borne disease which puts any dog at risk.  It can cause painful inflammation of joints and often leads to lameness.  Cases of Lyme disease are increasing and it has been reported in both rural and urban areas all across the country.

 Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection transmitted by contact with the urine of infected animals and can lead to permanent kidney damage.  It is of particular concern in areas of major flooding because it can be spread to other pets, as well as to humans.

Kennel Cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease which causes dogs to cough, sneeze and gag.  Because this airborne disease is so readily spread from dog to dog, vaccination is recommended for dogs that are shown, boarded or exposed to other dogs on a regular basis.

Our hospital can vaccinate your pet to help protect them from any one of these serious diseases.

Please contact the Animal Care Hospital at 731-285-6270 with any additional questions regarding your pet and vaccinations.

Just as in humans, vaccinating your pets is their best defense against disease.  Vaccinations are one of the most important preventive measures you can take for the health of your dog.

How does vaccination work?

When your dog receives a vaccine, its immune system  produces special substances called antibodies that work against viruses or bacteria that cause the disease.  Later, if your dog is exposed to that same disease, these antibodies will help destroy those viruses or bacteria.  In many cases, vaccines against several diseases are combined, reducing the number of shots your dog receives at one time.

How often should my dog receive vaccinations?

The number and frequency of vaccinations your dog needs can be determined during a routine examination by your veterinarian.  At the Animal Care Hospital, we recommend those vaccinations that provide the best protection against these deadly diseases.  However, puppies will initially receive vaccinations more frequently because of their age and increased vulnerability.

Why do puppies require more shots than older dogs?

Their immature immune systems can't fight off disease as well as older dogs.  The protection received naturally through their mother's milk can interfere with early vaccinations, making it difficult to pinpoint when vaccines stimulate immunity.  This is why puppies need vaccinations several times during their first months of life.  That way, if maternal antibodies interfere with early vaccinations, later doses will still stimulate the puppy to produce its own antibodies to the disease.

What possible risks are associated with vaccination?

Severe reactions to vaccination are very uncommon.  Your dog is at a higher risk of contracting an infectious disease than of experiencing side effects from a vaccination.  Talk to your veterinarian if you have concerns about vaccinating your dog and to find our more about the risks associated with vaccination.